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Correct use of carbon dioxide in plant cultivation

Writer's picture: LEDWisdomLEDWisdom

Updated: May 16, 2021

As LEDWisdom, we have prepared our next article on the importance and correct use of carbon dioxide in plant growth. In the scientific studies that we will consider as an example scenario in our article, we wanted to focus on the relationship between carbon dioxide and temperature. We hope you have a good time reading our article and enjoy the highest efficiency and the most perfect results with the new information you will learn later.

First, it is worth noting that as the carbon dioxide content in the air continues to increase, most plants will exhibit increased rates of photosynthesis and biomass production. As a result, this phenomenon will increase the amount of food, fiber and timber products that can be used to feed, clothe and house the world's expanding human population. However, some counter-arguments suggest that the growth-promoting effects of atmospheric CO2 enrichment could be negated by global warming, which could compromise our ability to sustain more human populations without increasing arable land area. For this reason, we conduct a scientific study to see whether plants will continue to exhibit CO2-induced growth increases under high air temperature conditions, and in this context, we examine the photosynthetic and growth responses of agricultural products through different conditions and studies on plants.

In order to better understand the scenarios discussed in this article, it should be understood that the optimum growth temperature for several plants is already known to increase significantly with increasing atmospheric CO2 levels (McMurtrie and Wang, 1993; McMurtrie et al., 1992; Stuhlfauth and Fock, 1990; Berry and Bjorkman, 1980). ). This phenomenon was suggested by Long (1991), who calculated that the air should increase the optimum growth temperatures by about 5 ° C for an increase in CO2 content of 300PPM, based on well-established plant physiological principles. Therefore, with simultaneous increases in the CO2 concentration and temperature of the air, it can be expected that the photosynthetic rates of plants will also increase, as confirmed by Idso and Idso (1994). Therefore, we need to examine through detailed examples whether these positive CO2 x Temperature interactions are still supported in the scientific literature.

In the study of Zhu et al. (1999) compared the total amount of carbon he assimilated at three different day / night temperatures from pineapples grown in an environment with 700 PPM CO2. From pineapples grown at the current ambient CO2 concentration in 30 ° C / 20 ° C (ideal day / night temperature for pineapple), 30 ° C / 25 ° C and 35 ° C / 25 ° C day / night temperature regimes, respectively, 15%,% It assimilated 97 and 84% more total carbon.

Similarly, Taub et al. (2000) showed that the net photosynthetic rates of cucumbers grown at twice atmospheric CO2 levels and air temperatures of 40 ° C were 3.2 times higher than those exhibited by control plants grown at atmospheric CO2 and the same temperature. This study revealed that the rates of photosynthesis normally observed at air temperatures considered harmful to the growth of plants were significantly higher in plants grown in a CO2-enriched environment compared to plants grown in an environment without CO2 support.

Other studies report similar results. Reddy et al. (1999) grew cotton plants at 2 ° C below ambient temperature and air temperatures above 7 ° C and exposed the plants to 720 PPM CO2. He reported that these plants exposed to carbon dioxide exhibited 137% to 190% higher photosynthetic rates than those displayed in plants grown in an environment without a carbon dioxide system. Similarly, Cowling and Sage (1998) found that an increase of 200 PPM in the CO2 concentration of the air increased the photosynthetic rates of young bean plants at growth temperatures of 25 ° C and 36 ° C, respectively, by 58% and 73%, respectively.

In another study we will examine, Ferris et al. (1998) grew soybeans for 52 days under normal air temperature, soil and water conditions, in two environments where they provided 360PPM and 700PPM atmospheric CO2 concentrations, but then exposed all the beans to an 8-day high temperature and water stress. After returning to normal air temperature and soil water conditions, 72% photosynthetic rate was observed in plants enriched with CO2 compared to healthy control group plants not exposed to high temperature and water stress, while it was observed that photosynthetic rate decreased to 52% in plants grown in non-CO2 enriched environment.

In the last study we wanted to examine, we see that even if the CO2 content of the air continues to increase, the photosynthetic rate does not increase when the temperature is constant. On the contrary, it has been observed that temperature increases without increasing the amount of carbon dioxide alone can accelerate plant growth and development. Wurr et al. (2000), that was the case with their studies. In these studies, it was observed that high CO2 had essentially no effect on the yield of French beans, but the fact that a 4 ° C increase in air temperature increased the total harvest by about 50%.

The conclusion we need to draw from our article is the fact that using the correct temperature values ​​will bring us to the highest harvest and quality so that the extra carbon dioxide given to the plants can be used by your plants. The results obtained from the studies we have compiled are valid for most of the plants, and the CO2 amount and temperature values ​​should not be increased to levels that will lead the plants to great stress and wear. After researching the correct temperature and carbon dioxide values ​​for each plant, you need to learn whether your grow lights produce enough PPFD and whether the spectrum is appropriate. All LEDWisdom grow lights are designed to be used in the most professional applications and provide the highest amount of light your plants need, even at very high carbon dioxide levels, in the most accurate spectrum and with the highest quality optical-electronic components. Achieve the highest efficiency and highest quality results by using LEDWisdom grow lights in an application powered by carbon dioxide.

You can review our references for a list of sources that we have compiled scientific studies.


Berry, J. and Bjorkman, O.  1980.  Photosynthetic response and adaptation to temperature in higher plants.  Annual Review of Plant Physiology 31: 491-543.

Bunce, J.A.  1998.  The temperature dependence of the stimulation of photosynthesis by elevated carbon dioxide in wheat and barley.  Journal of Experimental Botany 49: 1555-1561.

Cowling, S.A. and Sage, R.F.  1998.  Interactive effects of low atmospheric CO2 and elevated temperature on growth, photosynthesis and respiration in Phaseolus vulgaris.  Plant, Cell and Environment 21: 427-435.

Ferris, R., Wheeler, T.R., Ellis, R.H. and Hadley, P.  1999.  Seed yield after environmental stress in soybean grown under elevated CO2.  Crop Science 39: 710-718.

Ferris, R., Wheeler, T.R., Hadley, P. and Ellis, R.H.  1998.  Recovery of photosynthesis after environmental stress in soybean grown under elevated CO2.  Crop Science 38: 948-955.

Idso, K.E. and Idso, S.B.  1994.  Plant responses to atmospheric CO2 enrichment in the face of environmental constraints: A review of the past 10 years’ research.  Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 69: 153-203.

Long, S.P.  1991.  Modification of the response of photosynthetic productivity to rising temperature by atmospheric CO2 concentrations: Has its importance been underestimated?  Plant, Cell and Environment 14: 729-739.

McMurtrie, R.E. and Wang, Y.-P.  1993.  Mathematical models of the photosynthetic response of tree stands to rising CO2 concentrations and temperatures.  Plant, Cell and Environment 16: 1-13.

McMurtrie, R.E., Comins, H.N., Kirschbaum, M.U.F. and Wang, Y.-P.  1992.  Modifying existing forest growth models to take account of effects of elevated CO2.  Australian Journal of Botany 40: 657-677.

Reddy, K.K., Davidonis, G.H., Johnson, A.S. and Vinyard, B.T.  1999.  Temperature regime and carbon dioxide enrichment alter cotton boll development and fiber properties.  Agronomy Journal 91: 851-858.

Reddy, K.R., Robana, R.R., Hodges, H.F., Liu, X.J. and McKinion, J.M.  1998.  Interactions of CO2 enrichment and temperature on cotton growth and leaf characteristics.  Environmental and Experimental Botany 39: 117-129.

Taub, D.R., Seeman, J.R. and Coleman, J.S.  2000.  Growth in elevated CO2 protects photosynthesis against high-temperature damage.  Plant, Cell and Environment 23: 649-656.

Wurr, D.C.E., Edmondson, R.N. and Fellows, J.R.  2000.  Climate change: a response surface study of the effects of CO2 and temperature on the growth of French beans.  Journal of Agricultural Science 135: 379-387.

Zhu, J., Goldstein, G. and Bartholomew, D.P.  1999.  Gas exchange and carbon isotope composition of Ananas comosus in response to elevated CO2 and temperature.  Plant, Cell and Environment 22: 999-1007.


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